Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Deepavali Zoo Visit

It was Deepavali and we decided to take the kids to the zoo. Yes it was crowded- I thought it was even more crowded than Orchard Road during weekends.. Anyway we still had fun. We rode the tram in comfort which allowed us to get to places quickly. So we were able to get quickly to the children's section which had a 11am performance. These pictures were taken right after the performance. And we also went to the Fragile Rainforest section,  where you can see in the last photo Luixing enthusiastically pointing out a butterfly.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Singapore River Stroll

A stroll from Liang Court to Robertson Quay and then onto Great World City. The kids ran. The adults played catch-up...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Chunchun's Classmates Visit

We had a few of Chunchun's friends from school over at our place, accompanied by their parents of course... These photos show the kids at their calmer moments... when they weren't running, chasing and screaming...

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Chunchun and cousin Shanae munching on apples together..

Ice Cream Time!

Kids sharing a cone after church.. ice cream courtesy of Qingling.
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Children's Day at Jurong Regional Library

It was Oct 1 and we went to the library. We chanced upon their Children's Day celebrations, which had the kids colouring their own Chinese opera masks with crayons. There was even a performance of Mulan by a children's operatic troupe!
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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Luixing floored..

Taken at the rooftop playground at Lot 1. Which we usually take him while Chunchun goes to her reading class. Luixing climbs around and occasionally brings something from home to play with. Which, in these photos, is a red squeezy ball. Hmm... we've been losing a few of these recently.
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